How to Improve Your Grammar

Grammar is something that stresses many students out, as it can be quite confusing and complicated. However, correct grammar is important for you and your success, both as a student and as a future employee. It is good to know some simple methods to improve your grammar skills.

Here are some basic tips to try! 


Reading is on the top of the list for you to improve your grammar skills. When you read, you reinforce correct grammar in your mind. It can be especially helpful to read out loud, as the combination of seeing, saying, and hearing assists in solidifying what you have learned. In addition to improving your grammar, reading will help with all aspects of your writing, from sentence fluency to increased vocabulary.

Grammar Manual

It is useful to have a reference book nearby that you can consult when writing. This way, any time a grammatical question comes up, you can quickly refer to the manual to obtain the answer. There are many high-quality grammar and writing guidebooks on the market. Speak to a librarian or writing instructor for recommendations. 


There are many excellent resources, both online and in print, conducive to improving your grammar skills. A quick Internet search will reveal a multitude of websites that offer grammar games and exercises. If you know that grammar is an area you struggle with, set aside a few minutes each day to complete grammar exercises. Even the simple act of taking a few English practice tests of any level can help you improve your grammar skills. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Listen to others

When instructors give you feedback, listen to them! Find out if you have a consistent issue with any topics in particular. Make sure that when you proofread your assignments, you pay special attention to those details. It may even be wise to create your own personalized checklist of items to be aware of in your writing. Also, do some research on some common grammatical mistakes and make sure you do NOT repeat the same.

Proofread…out loud

Sometimes when we re-read pieces we have written, our brain fills in the gaps of missing information. We do not always catch our own mistakes when we proofread. Reading what you have written out loud, preferably to someone else, is an efficient way to evaluate whether or not you have used correct grammar. You are more likely to notice your errors if you read the content aloud, rather than in your head to yourself. 


Just as it helps to read a great deal, it will also benefit you to write more. The more you practice writing with proper grammar, the more naturally it will come to you. These are great tips to help you with writing a college essay. Students of any age can benefit from taking extra strides to enhance their grammar.

Use the above methods regularly and you will greatly improve your grammar skills before you know it.

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